Thursday, July 2, 2015

Facebook Update

"Claire's only diagnosis is epilepsy and She has been seizure free for 17 months and off medication for 6. I thought when this happened she would just start talking but it's not happening. I wish I had answers. Claire is not progressing with her speech and has no interest in potty training. I don't want to look back and wonder what else I could have done to help her. No clue if we can afford preschool next year for her and the program she is in at the school is only 2 hours a day and not over the summer SO I went nutso at Walmart and bought every item to make any and every craft, sensory, fine motor skills, speech, learning development, creative project we can find on Pinterest! Jessica Siegel and Kendel Krause Hogan totally inspired me to do this kind of thing from Kendal's Facebook posts, so thank you!!! Anyone have fun suggestions let me know!!!!!?