Wednesday, May 22, 2013

from fb: talked to pedi again - and asked more specific questions (she cant give me 100% answers, I will get better ones on Tuesday from Neuro) but basically her EEG was NOT normal.. it was abnormal. no infantile spasms... but lots of spikes...and what it looks like is she is having seizures. (i feel like im about to burst into tears typing that word) also learned that when she is putting her hand in her mouth that it MAY be an indicator of where in the brain her seizures are starting.... so she starts with her left hand in her mouth and as the seizure goes on she then goes to the right hand. Just something pedi said to watch and record so neuro will know more..ALSO she is seeing if we can get her an MRI .. hopefully before Tuesday but asap would be great. please pray for healing. and wisdom.

1 comment:

  1. I've been reading and it says that seizures occur when the nerve cells in the brain fire abnormally as a result of nerve damage - problems with the brain's chemistry or a high fever .. . well she is not having a fever . . .
    Then there are Generalized Seizures - which include both sides or hemispheres of the brain. They can start on one side then move to the other and even encompass the entire brain. I have noticed in one of the videos that she puts her left hand in her mouth prior to the first muscle movement - but then later she puts the other hand in her mouth? so it may be moving?
    Within the Generalized type there is convulsive and non convulsive - the nonconvulsive is staring - or appearing to day dream. She does get a glossed over look - but at the same time we have the involuntary muscle movement. Then there are Partial seizures that are only one side of the brain. That is all I have for right now.
